I’m doing artsy-fartsy now and no one can stop me.

This won’t be news to y’all, but: when I turned 40 last fall, I had a whole bunch of thoughts about how I got here and what I wanted the rest of my life to look like.

I know I love writing, and I’ve allowed myself more freedom to explore what it would be like to produce fiction that tells stories I care about on top of my usual journalism and hollering. But I’ve been generally wary of doing anything beyond that — of letting myself imagine what it would be like to be creative in other ways. But I’ve always loved drawing and design, and I’ve always designed my own websites and other online things. And I don’t think they look terrible!

So why the heck hold back any more?

And so I shan’t! I am delighted to present to y’all: Shop with the Armadillo, a fun little clearinghouse for Home with the Armadillo merch, Hot Possum designs, and abortion-positive memewear that I hope will delight you as much as it does me.

I opened the store with some goofy/sassy “Live, Laugh, L’Abortions” designs (partial proceeds go to abortion funds!) as well as armadillo-themed gear around the HWTA brand, including our mascot: the Glitchy ‘Dillo.

And for fans of my Hot Possum Reports on TikTok and Insta Reels, there are two different retro-tastic looks:

The designs y’all see here are just a few cherry-picked items that I think look particularly fun; if you head to the store itself, there are a million ways to customize the designs you like best, in the format that seems most amenable to your obviously very urgent needs. (My husband got a Hot Possums Retro Beach design magnet for his ’95 F-150, which I think extremely tracks.)

Everything in the shop is 35% off until April 25, which is a pretty good ding-dang deal. I’ll be keeping the store fresh every couple of months and retiring designs periodically, so if you see something you like, snap it up!

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