Andrea Grimes


I’m a writer, editor, and activist living in Austin, Texas with my husband, two very vocal cats, and an eminently goofy hound dog. I mostly write about Texas, politics, and reproductive justice, and I often support sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice organizations, advocates, and funders in strategic communications work. 

What you’ll find here on Home with the Armadillo:

Every Monday (ish), I publish Hard To Believe It’s Only Tuesday, a roundup of the latest abortion news, takes, and action items. Under the Hollering with the Armadillo tag, I publish takes on news and politics, cultural commentary, personal essays, and the like. Every Halloween, I write a short story for the season.

Separately — but I think HWTA readers will be interested — I also publish a serial epistolary sci-fi/horror novel, Revival! Weekly, (I treat the “weekly” part as mostly aspirational, but I do post every week if I can). I hope fans of zombies, vampires, and political satire will enjoy it. New readers can start from the beginning.

The vast majority of my writing will always be free, but I’m pleased to offer folks who are able to pay to support my work a few different ways to do so. I’m a freelance writer and every day is a gamble, and it really means a tremendous amount to me — more than any given dollar — to know that folks appreciate my work enough to subscribe, period, and to pay for it … well, that’s just a big wow from me. If you can’t afford to or don’t want to subscribe: please share my writing with folks who you think will enjoy it!

Get in touch

You can learn more about me and the work I do on my portfolio website, or reach out by email: andrea.grimes [at] gmail dot com for regular queries, or grimesandrea [at] proton dot me for stuff that needs a more secure channel.

I’m always open to interesting assignments — writing or editing — and happy to consult on strategic communications for the right client.